
Is to play a leading role in the development of private equity ecosystem in Kazakhstan by investing in strong private equity teams that can create sound and well-managed businesses and generate strong returns as well as support in growth and modernization of economy

Is to create a dynamic private equity ecosystem to develop market-leading businesses through flexible deployment of long term risk capital and global best practices; and, to play an active role in sustainable growth of the national economy


Sole Shareholder

Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC is the Sole Shareholder of QIC.

Its mission is to finance and provide investment support for non-energy sector of the economy, promote sustainable development and diversification of the national economy, attract investments and improve corporate governance in its subsidiary companies.

Strategic directions of the activities are:

  • support for entrepreneurship in the segment of large-sized businesses;
  • support for entrepreneurship in the SME segment;
  • increase in housing affordability;
  • increase in export potential;
  • transfer and introduction of innovations.

The key decisions to be taken by Baiterek Holding as a Sole Shareholder regarding QIC’s activities are:

  • approval of QIC’s Charter and amendments thereto;
  • election and dismissal of the members of QIC’s Board of Directors;
  • approval of annual financial statements and annual reports of QIC;
  • approval of dividends amount;
  • resolutions on QIC’s participation in the creation of legal entities, investment funds, or withdrawal of members (shareholders) of legal entities, investment funds by transferring (receiving) part of the assets of twenty-five or more percent of the total value of all assets owned by QIC.

Dividend policy

Terms and conditions of dividends payment to the Sole Shareholder are regulated by current laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, QIC Charter, and relevant decisions of the Sole Shareholder of QIC.

Authorized capital structure

  • The authorized capital amounts to KZT 197 bln.

  • Number and type of registered (declared) shares – 55,000,000 ordinary shares.

  • The number of declared but not placed shares - 1,414,997 ordinary shares.

  • The number of placed shares - 53,585,003 ordinary shares.

  • The nominal value per one share (when paid by the founders) - KZT 1,000 (one thousand).

Rights attached to shares:

The right to make decisions on all items submitted for consideration by the Sole Shareholder in accordance with the Laws "On Joint-Stock Companies", "On Securities Market" and "On State Property";

The right to receive dividends if QIC has net income;

The right to receive QIC's property upon its liquidation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Organizational structure Download