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Fitch Affirms Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC's Ratings at 'BBB-'. Outlook Stable
International rating agency Fitch Ratings has affirmed Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC's (QIC) Long-Term Foreign and Local-Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at 'BBB-'. The Outlooks are Stable.

The affirmation reflects Fitch's view of 'Extremely likely' extraordinary support from Kazakhstan (BBB/Stable) for QIC due to its tight integration with the state and consolidated role of a unified alternative investment platform in the country.
An extraordinary support from Kazakhstan to QIC would be 'Extremely likely' in case of need, reflecting a support score of 35 (out of a maximum 60) under Fitch GRE criteria.
In 2022-2023 QIC consolidated a role of key state fund in promotion and development of equity investments in Kazakhstan. In January 2023 QIC officially received its new name, finalising the re-organisation of the investment segment under QIC parent JSC National Management Holding Baiterek (BBB/Stable) with merger of other subsidiaries to QIC.
To fund QIC investments the state injects equity, which totalled KZT147.8 billion at end-2023. Additionally, state provided low-cost long-term debt financing for development projects in agriculture and construction of a gas pipe-line, totalling KZT53.0 billion at end-2023. Fitch expects government-related resources to remain the dominant funding source over the medium term and QIC to have sustainable access to direct and indirect (via Baiterek and/or other quasi-state institutions) state funding
The fund implements projects from renewable energy to utilities, food processing, infrastructure and natural resources, aiding to economic diversification away from current concentration on carbon-hydrates. Fitch deems these projects to have high socio-political significance for the state.
Fitch analysts highlight QIC's potential default would temporarily endanger the government's programmes and undermine its efforts over the past decade to develop a private-equity infrastructure in Kazakhstan.
It is worth noting that according to Fitch's rating criteria on the national scale, the national QIC rating was also affirmed at 'AA+(kaz) '.
You can find out more by following link: https://www.fitchratings.com/redirect/?q=/site/pr/10285609
Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC is a fund of direct investment funds established in 2007, whose main mission is to develop private equity infrastructure in Kazakhstan in order to promote sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan. It is a subsidiary of NMH "Baiterek" JSC. Additional information can be found on the website https://qic.kz/en/.
Fitch Ratings an American corporation, known mainly as a rating agency. Value with Standard & Poor's and Moody's is included in the so-called "Big Three" international rating agencies. With a focus on providing the global credit markets with independent and forward-looking credit assessments, research and data.
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